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Transform your space, transform your life
Line ID: she13001
RiverPoint - 公共空間
Public Space
設計靈感來自於對大自然的觀察。水,是地表的最低點。接著是,土壤、石頭、樹木、最後連結到天空。此建築物也是追尋相同的模式。 四分之一的建築物石材露出在水面上,象徵著大地的土壤。具有樹枝樣式的造型窗戶象徵著高聳的樹木,直到末端延伸至天空。
By observing Mother Nature, water represents the lowest level on the surface of the earth, followed by rocks, soil, trees, and ultimately the sky.
This building follows this design pattern. One fourth of this building flows on the river, consists of stones, and has the element of nature. The customized branch shape window represents the entire building as a tree before it reaches the sky.
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